丹戎布拉国立大学师范学院学生 使用结果补语“完”、“成”、“好”的偏误分析

  • Yovianty, D. (Desy)
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Publication date
March 2017
Tanjungpura University


摘要 结果补语是汉语表达中最常用的句法之一,也是汉语教学的重点和难点。以结果 补语“完”、“成”、“好”为例,这三个词在日常生活中常用词语。它们在语义上存在着相同点和不同点,使得学生在使用上常出现偏误。本文对丹戎布拉国立大学2013届学生使用结果补语“完”、“成”、“好”的情况进行了调查,分析学生使用这三个结果补语时所出现的偏误,总结出丹戎布拉国立大学2013届学生使用“完”、“成”、“好”的偏误率分别为:40.28%,41.40% 和27.87%,另外也总结出常见的偏误类型有错序偏误和误代偏误,并探求出现这些偏误的原因是母语负迁移和目的语负迁移,进而对这些问题提出几点教学建议。 关键词:完 成 好 偏误分析 AbstractResults complement is one of the most commonly used syntax in Chinese expression, and it is also the focus and difficulty of Chinese teaching. The results of the words "wan", "cheng", "hao" as an example, these three words in everyday life commonly used words.They have similarities and differences in semantics, making students often have errors when use them.This paper investigates "wan", "cheng" and "hao" using for the 2013 ...

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